Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How We Are Doing

Since our last post, we have not made a tremendous amount of progress. In our research we have learned the top years of rainfall in California. We have learned that we are not the greatest planners for these types of projects. We think big, but take on more than we can handle and are forced to reevaluate our options. In our last meeting, it hit us that there is not much time remaining for us to work on this progress. Through this setback, we have learned the importance of scheduling out what we are going to do on a day to day basis. As a result, we have looked a calendar of what school days we have left to work on our project and have roughly planned out what our next steps are going to be. Our main end product is still going to be an infographic. After reviewing the amount of time we have left for this project, we decided to focus our time on making a visually appealing and informative infographic, rather than multiple other things. Also, we will continue to gather more data regarding this topic to finish off our project and have as much information to back us up and make the project feel complete. We can apply what we have learned in our daily lives to get into a habit of better managing our time. We have improved our ability of planning a realistic schedule of what work we have to do in a short amount of time. This skill will continuously help us in the future with school work and in life in general.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

What We Have Learned by Now

So far, we have tried to find new information on our topic from our past failures. We struggled the past weeks since we had a non ideal situation of working with the iPads. The whole project itself slowed during that time. From this project, we have learned how un-tech savvy we are. The iPads were very difficult to use and it just did not work out very well. We have had many different setbacks during this whole project. We were able to recover from the setback of using the iPads by regrouping and basically discussing what exactly we were going to do. We also came to the conclusion that creating a video is not realistic. It would take too much time and by the time it’s finished, there would not be time for anything else. Recently, we decided to include infographics as part of our presentation. This is a easier way to present information to people because the information will be more concise and more visually appealing. Our next steps are to continue researching information about our topic and make multiple visually appealing infographics. These graphics will be very interesting way to present our facts and allow us to keep people engaged. We can apply what we have learned to our school and community by informing people about water and how to manage it better, allowing our city to flourish.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Our Progress So Far

So far in this project we have ran into many different setbacks that have caused us to make some changes to our initial plan. So far, we have learned about recent damage done to Oroville Dam due to failure of maintaining the structure. This is an example of how California is not properly managing our water retention abilities and is an essential aspect when it comes down to managing our water reserves. We have learned that we are not tech savvy, as we were unable to create our website. The idea of a website was very ideal, but not realistic. Also, we learned to think quickly and not let some minor setbacks stop us from succeeding. We both had no background in creating one and struggled in the formatting of it. It got down to the point where it was not productive at all and we were forced to scratch that idea. Instead, we are going to continue our research and take some time to create the video. We are planning on taking the time in class to video some aspects of it. After creating this video, we plan on publishing it on youtube and promoting it. We are also still planning on creating a survey that will allow us to see what a good amount of the public know about water. With the information that we obtain from the survey, we can include it into our video.With the information we have learned so far, we are able to apply it to our day-to-day lives. With the failure of the website, we were forced to quickly think and find a new solution. This applies to everyday events since not everything always goes the way it was planned. This was just another situation of that and we were forced to overcome this one hardship and take a new route.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Introduction to our Project

20 Time is a project people are encouraged to take 20% of their work time to work on a separate project that they are passionate about. For our 20 time project, we decided to look into California’s water problem. Our essential question is what ways can we improve California’s water management and how we can spread the word out. We chose this project because our state has an ineffective way to manage the water supply and we want to learn more about potential solutions. Our goal is to research and to find solutions about california’s subpar water management. To measure our achievements, we will continuously post on this blog to record our progress on how we are doing. Our plan going into the future is to create a website to inform the public about this issue. On this website, we are planning on including an informative video that explains the current issues that are going on at the moment and hopefully interview people who have previous knowledge regarding this issue. We want to be able to make a change in how our state manages its water and hope to shed light on people as well.